Saturday, April 30, 2011

One Piece, Different looks !!!

Hi fellas :)

This is my very first post and i decided to write about versatility in dressing up.
All of us like to look new, look different and better still look new and different each day. That is good, completely fabulous wish, but that doesnt mean that we go shopping or wear a different piece everyday.

The trick and challenge is to wear a piece such that it can create a unique different , fun and radical ensemle or look .

Mix and match with a variety of your other pieces and accessories to create a different avatar . It will also bring out the creativity in you and reduce your "Cost per Wear" of each item .
Investing in quality (yet expensive) clothing will not burn a hole in your pocket if this is your mantra. 

Also dont go with d regular, predictable looks every kid in town has. Go radical, break cliches and most importantly have fun with it.

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